Alocasia Chantrieri – (The Best Care Guide)

Do you like exotic plants? If so, you will love Alocasia Chantrieri! This plant is native to the tropical rainforest of Southeast Asia, and it is sure to add a touch of elegance to your home or garden. Alocasia Chantrieri is a beautiful plant that features dark green leaves with striking white veins. It can be grown as a houseplant or outdoors in USDA zones 10-11.

What Does Alocasia Chantrieri Look Like?

The Alocasia Chantrieri is beautiful, it is known for its large, arrow-shaped leaves that are a dark grey-green color with a deep inky blue tint. The undersides of the leaves are burgundy in color. The leaves of this plant are similar to those of the Cuprea, but they are elongated like the rare Alocasia Sanderiana. The underside of the leaves resembles the Alocasia Cuprea Red Secret.

This plant is a popular choice for gardens and indoor plants due to its unique appearance and low maintenance needs. If you are looking for a plant that will add some beauty and interest to your home or garden, this plant is an excellent choice.

Alocasia Chantrieri Hybrid

The Alocasia Chantrieri hybrid is a beautiful and exotic plant that can add a touch of elegance to any home. This hybrid is a cross between the Alocasia metallica and the critically endangered Alocasia sanderiana. The result is a plant with large, glossy leaves that are patterned with silver and green.

Alocasia Chantrieri is relatively easy to care for, and it makes an excellent houseplant. However, because it is a hybrid, it is not often found in nature. As a result, this plant is quite rare and can be difficult to find. If you are lucky enough to find one, it is sure to add a unique and stylish touch to your home.

Other Features

Drought Tolerance

It is drought tolerant once it is established, but it prefers a moist environment. It is best to water this plant when the soil is dry. If you forget to water it, it can go a few days without water.

Air Purification

This plant is great for purifying the air in your home or office. It filters out toxins and pollutants, and it also helps to improve the quality of the air. It is a great plant to have if you suffer from allergies or asthma.


This plant is low maintenance and easy to care for. It does not require a lot of water or fertilization, and it is resistant to pests and diseases. It is a great plant for beginners or those who do not have a lot of time to dedicate to plant care.


It is toxic to pets and humans if ingested, so it is important to keep it out of reach of children and animals. If you think your child or pet has ingested this plant, seek medical attention immediately.


This plant goes dormant in the winter, so it is important to give it a rest period. During this time, it will lose its leaves and stop growing. It is best to keep it in a cool, dark place during this time.

Alocasia Chantrieri Care

Alocasia Chantrieri care involves providing the plant with the proper environment and conditions. It prefers a moist, humid environment and does not like to dry out. It is best to water this plant when the soil is dry. The plant also needs bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sun, but it is best to keep it out of direct sunlight.

Quick Guide

SoilMoist, well-drained
LightBright, indirect light
WaterAllow soil to dry out between watering
FertilizerMonthly during the growing season
Temperature75-85 degrees Fahrenheit
PruningCut back in late winter to early spring
RepottingEvery two to three years


It requires well-draining, moisture-retentive soil. A typical potting mix for this plant would be two parts peat moss to one part perlite. You can also add some vermiculite or coco coir to the mix to increase drainage and aeration. The plant does best in slightly acidic to neutral soil with a pH of around six.

Soil that is too alkaline will cause the leaves to yellow and may stunt growth. If you’re growing it in containers, be sure to use a pot with drainage holes to prevent root rot.


It is native to tropical rainforests, it does best in bright, indirect light. However, it will also tolerate low light conditions and can even grow in full shade. Direct light will scorch the leaves, so it’s best to err on the side of too little light rather than too much.

If the plant doesn’t get enough light, it will become leggy and the leaves will be smaller than they should be. If you think your plant isn’t getting enough light, move it to a brighter spot.


It requires moderate to high amounts of water. They should be watered regularly, especially during the hotter months. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy. Allow the topsoil to dry out in between watering. Over-watering can lead to root rot and other problems.

Underwatering will cause the leaves to droop and the plant to wilt. It is better to err on the side of too much water than too little.

In the winter, they will need less water. Allow the topsoil to dry out completely before watering again. If the leaves start to yellow or drop off, you are probably not watering enough.


It requires high humidity to thrive. If you live in a dry climate, you’ll need to take extra steps to provide the moisture this plant needs. Grouping your plants together can also help increase humidity levels around them.

High humidity isn’t just important for this plant, but for many other houseplants as well. If you struggle to keep your plants humid enough, there are a few products on the market that can help.

One way to increase humidity is to use a pebble tray. A pebble tray is simply a shallow dish filled with gravel or rocks. You then add water to the dish, being careful not to get the pebbles wet. The evaporation from the water will increase humidity levels around your plants.


It prefers warm weather and will not tolerate cold temperatures well. If you live in an area with cooler winters, it’s best to grow this plant indoors. High temperature and low humidity are also a problem for this plant. If the temperature gets too hot, the leaves will start to wilt and the plant will go into shock.

It’s important to keep an eye on the temperature if you’re growing this plant outdoors and to bring it indoors if the temperature starts to rise. If you live in an area with high humidity, you may need to provide extra ventilation for this plant.


It requires little to no fertilizer when grown in good quality potting mix. If you do feel the need to fertilize, use a balanced fertilizer diluted by half and apply every two weeks during the growing season. Be sure not to over-fertilize as this can burn the roots and leaves.

Fertilize sparingly in the winter months or when the plant is not actively growing. It’s better to under-fertilize this plant than to over-fertilize.


It is a rhizomatous tropical herb that can grow up to six feet tall. It has large, dark green leaves with white veins and a purple underside. The plant produces small, yellow flowers that bloom in the summer.

Pruning is not required for this plant, but if you want to control its size, you can prune it after it blooms. Cut the stem back to about six inches above the ground. You can also remove any leaves that are brown or damaged. Fertilizing should be done in early spring and summer with a balanced fertilizer.


It should be repotted every two to three years. They prefer a rich, well-draining potting mix and a pot that is slightly larger than the root ball. Be sure to water thoroughly after repotting and do not fertilize for at least six weeks.

Repotting is best done in the spring before new growth begins. If you are unsure of when your plant was last repotted, it is probably time.

How to Repot Alocasia Chantrieri?

It is best to repot this plant every two years or so. When you do repot this plant, make sure that the new pot is only slightly larger than the old one. Be careful not to damage the roots when removing them from their old pot. Gently loosen the root ball and place it in the new pot. Fill in with a fresh potting mix, making sure to firm it around the base of the plant. Water well and place in a shaded spot until new growth appears.

Alocasia Chantrieri Propagation

It can be propagated by division or by seed. To propagate by division, carefully remove the plant from the pot and divide the root ball into several sections, making sure that each section has at least one leaf. Plant the sections in individual pots filled with moistened potting mix and water well. Keep the soil moist but not soggy and fertilize monthly.

To propagate by seed, sow the seeds in a moistened potting mix and cover with plastic wrap to help maintain moisture. Place the pot in a warm, bright location and keep the soil moist. When the seedlings emerge, thin them so that only the strongest plant remains in each pot.

It’s best to start propagation in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. If you’re propagating by seed, it can take several months for the seedlings to emerge. By division, you’ll see new growth much sooner.

Common Problems with Alocasia Chantrieri

Root Rot

One of the most common problems with this plant is that it is susceptible to root rot. Root rot is caused by too much moisture in the soil, which can be a problem if you live in an area with high humidity or if you water your plant too often. If you think your plant has root rot, the best course of action is to remove it from the pot and inspect the roots. If they are mushy or black, then your plant has root rot and should be discarded.


Another common problem with this plant is that it is susceptible to mealybugs. Mealybugs are small, white pests that feed on the sap of plants. They can cause the leaves of your plant to turn yellow and eventually drop off. If you think your plant has mealybugs, you can try to control them by spraying the plant with a diluted solution of water and dish soap. You should also be sure to keep an eye out for other pests, such as aphids and whiteflies, which can also infest this plant.

Pests and Diseases

It is a beautiful houseplant that is known for its large, glossy leaves. However, it is also susceptible to pests and diseases. Here are some of the most common problems that you may encounter with your plant:


These small, sap-sucking insects are a common problem on this plant. They can cause the leaves to yellow and deform.


These pests attack plants by sucking the sap from the leaves. This can cause the leaves to turn yellow or brown.


Scale is a type of insect that feeds on plant sap. It can cause the leaves of plants to turn yellow or brown.

Spider mites

These tiny pests are a common problem on plants. They can cause the leaves to become mottled and discolored.

If you notice any of these problems on your plant, you should take action to control the pests or diseases. There are many products available that can help you get rid of these problems. However, it is always best to consult with a professional before using any type of pesticide.

Alocasia Chantrieri FAQs

Is Alocasia Chantrieri rare?

Yes, it is a rare plant. It is not often found in the wild and is only available through nurseries or online retailers. It is a good idea to purchase this plant from a reputable source to ensure that you are getting a healthy plant.

Can I grow Alocasia x Chantrieri outdoors?

Yes, this plant can be grown outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 11-12. It is important to note that this plant is not frost tolerant and should be brought indoors or protected from the cold if you live in an area with freezing temperatures.

Why Chantrieri Alocasia leaves are turning brown?

There are several reasons why this plant’s leaves may turn brown. It could be due to too much sun, too little water, or a nutrient deficiency. If you think that your plant is not getting enough water, be sure to give it a good soaking once a week.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the Alocasia Chantrieri is a great plant for anyone looking to add some tropical flair to their home. It’s important to remember that this plant likes its humidity, so if you live in a dry climate, you’ll need to take extra steps to keep your Alocasia happy. With a little bit of care, your plant will thrive and provide you with beautiful foliage for years to come. Thanks for reading and happy gardening!

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